Data Monitoring Specialist, RemoteCOM
May, 2016 - Present
Remote monitoring of devices.
Monitor Windows
Monitor Mac
Monitor Android
Maggie currently works for her father's company RemoteCOM. The company works with probation and parole agencies around the United States to remotely monitor activity on computers, smart-phones and tablets of offenders. Maggie has worked through multiple poisitions in the company, to create a well rounded understanding of how it functions. Her current position is data monitoring and providing guidance to the technical support staff.
Data Monitoring Specialist, RemoteCOM
May, 2016 - Present
Remote monitoring of devices.
Monitor Windows
Monitor Mac
Monitor Android
Technical Support, RemoteCOM
Feb, 2012 - May, 20164 years 3 months
Remote installation and software support of devices.
Support for Windows
Support for Mac
Support for Android
Performing Arts Center Technician, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Aug, 2011 - Feb, 20126 months
Providing technical support for events.
Sound Board Engineer/Operator
Light Board Engineer/Operator
Backstage Crew
Contract Artist, Harbor Playhouse
Aug, 2009 - Aug, 20112 years
Worked on multiple productions in various roles.
Contract Director
Camp Counselor/Acting Coach
Light Board Engineer/Operator
Sound Board Operator
Backstage Crew
Performing Arts Center Technician, Hutto High School
Aug, 2007 - Aug, 20092 years
Providing technical support for events.
Sound Board Engineer/Operator
Light Board Engineer/Operator
Stage Manager
Backstage Crew/Event Support
Full Stack Development, , Austin Coding Academy
Jan, 2017 - Present
Theatre, , Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Aug, 2009 - Feb, 2012
Theatre, , Hutto High School
Aug, 2005 - May, 2009
Digital Compression Pioneer Award Techcrunch
Awarded on: Nov 01, 2014
There is no spoon.
Web Master, Hutto HS
Jan, 2017 - Present
Design, build and maintain a website for the Theatre Department.
Photo Galleries