Here's Why Superman Is The Ultimate Symbol For Hope
Nate Brinkley
January 30, 2017 at 06:37AM
Superman is one of the most popular characters in pop culture; and ever since his debut on April 18, 1938, he has been inspiring readers, listeners, and viewers to reach for the sky. His character has given hope to many, and there are several reasons he can be considered the ultimate symbol for hope in fiction!

His Heritage
Unless you've lived under a rock all your life, you know that
Superman is the Last Son of Krypton. He was raised on Earth, but
is an alien by birth. This is one of the aspects that made his
character so relatable then, and still resonates with fans today.
How many of us have felt like outcasts, like we are alone in this
world? These are issues that Superman stories have dealt with for
generations. So many have read about the outcast from another
planet with great abilities, who finds his place in the world, and
they have escaped into those stories and been challenged to do the
same themselves.
His Power
Superman is known for his vast array of abilities. He has so many,
I'm not sure I could begin to name all of them here. The abilities
that seem to be his main power set are:
- Super Strength
- Super Speed
- Flight
- Heat Vision
- X-Ray Vision
- Freeze Breath
- Invulnerability
- Accelerated Healing Factor
His Humanity
We look up to Superman because he is something of an outcast; we look
up to him because he has an amazing ability to overcome the most
daunting obstacles; and we look up to him because, despite all this,
he still faces our everyday human struggles.This was a quality that
was notably absent in the New 52 version of the character; it seemed
that Superman was fine being the mega-powered individual that he was.
Superman may have been born as Kal-El on a distant planet, but he was
raised as Clark Kent by two down-to-earth, country folks. They
instilled the moral and human qualities that make Superman a relatable
Closing Thoughts
There are many things that make Superman great, but these are the
reasons that he wears the symbol of hope on his chest. He is an alien
trying to fit in on Earth, he has enormous abilities that help him
overcome great challenges, and he is still human. Superman still makes
mistakes, he has weaknesses, and he struggles with many of the things
you and I do every day.